Monthly Update - May 2021

πŸ‘‹ Hello to the 1,432 of you who trust me with your email in exchange for the Insurance Needs Calculator, 29 Mistakes Guide, or those of you who have allowed me to help protect you and your family. I appreciate the support! We are 10 more than last month!

We have made the move back to Sydney and as I joked with a few of my friends, it seems like I brought some cold weather and a COVID scare back with me! We are settling into the new place and area which has been unreal!

Insurance Market Update πŸ“ˆ:

There are some major changes in the financial planning space in general. There is an exam that all advisers are required to sit and pass by the end of 2021 know as the FASEA exam (which I have already completed). Failing to do so will see some advisers unable to continue providing advice.

Adviser numbers are expected to drop to around 13,000 at some estimates (almost halving the number of practising advisers).

Overlay this with the increased pricing pressures that I am sure you have seen with your premiums this year in the insurance space, it has never been a better time in my mind to have a clear offering to you from us.

My move to focus on the insurance space was pre-emptive of this and has allowed me to focus on providing as much value as possible as efficiently as possible which is why I spend so much time preparing videos, emails, and what I hope you find valuable content.

It has never been more important in my opinion to have a close relationship with you to help navigate these changes and help you to maintain your valuable cover but also adjust this as your needs change which I feel we are well equipped to do.

This Month on YouTube πŸ“Ή:

5 Lessons From 5 Years in Business:

I've been in business for 5 years now. And while I have learned a lot of things, there are five lessons that stand out. These lessons not only apply to businesses but also to life in general. Check it out!

How to protect your family using the DFNDβ„’ Method?

My DFNDβ„’ Method is a simple, effective way to protect your family using the power of for key steps: Discover, Formulate, Narrow Down & Decide. Watch this video to learn how it works!

What Does it Take To Be Rich?:

What does it take to be rich? The answer is not what you might think. Here are 3 resources that can help articulate and plan your way to happiness and wealth. Check it out!

This Month @ True Pride 🦁:

Earlier this year, I bought myself a Kindle Paperwhite which has been a game-changer in the number of books I have been able to consume.

This month, I finished two books that were rippers.

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: I loved this book as Raval is not only successful in business but is known to be one of the happiest people at the same time which is surprisingly rare apparently in Silicon Valley circles. He shares his principles of how he manages to do this. Definitely worth a read!

The Psychology of Money: In the Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel teaches you how to have a better relationship with money and to make smarter financial decisions. Instead of pretending that humans are ROI-optimizing machines, he shows you how your psychology can work for and against you.

Insurance Tip Of The Month:

Have you stopped smoking and not notified your insurance company?

As far as the insurance companies are concerned, they classify a smoker as having smoked in the last 12 months. If you were

once a smoker but have now quit for 12 months, contact your insurance company and ask them what needs to be done to change to a non-smoker (usually a non-smoker declaration without further underwriting). This will save you heaps on your insurance. TIP - if you start smoking again, you don’t need to let the insurance company know and will always be a non-smoker without breaking any rules

Stop wasting money on premiums!

Download my free guide to avoid the 29 most common mistakes people make with their insurance.

Download Here